Moral Reconation Therapy in Newark, NJ


There are many ways to treat drug and alcohol addiction, from intensive medication programs through to behavioral therapy and 12-step support groups. Moral reconation therapy is a systematic strategy that utilizes a range of psychotherapeutic methods in an attempt to increase moral reasoning and decrease recidivism. Moral reconation therapy is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that is typically applied in a group environment where people can access the support of others in a similar situation. If you know anyone who could benefit from moral reconation therapy, Newark Drug Rehab Centers can help.  


Does Moral Reconation Therapy Work?


Moral reconation therapy has been in operation since 1988, which makes it a relatively new form of psychotherapy in the western world. Over this short time span, this powerful form of therapy has helped countless drug addicts and incarcerated people to turn their lives around. Over 78 published studies have analyzed moral reconation therapy, which has been proven to increase self-esteem, increase reasoning skills, help people express their emotions more effectively, and give people the chance to find purpose without indulging in compulsive and impulsive behavior patterns.    


How Does Moral Reconation Therapy Function?


Moral reconation therapy is a form of CBT, a powerful psychotherapeutic approach that attempts to change problematic behavior patterns by working through cognitive and emotional distortions. Drug and alcohol addiction often has its roots in low self-esteem and self-efficacy, with poor thinking and emotional patterns transferred into negative behavioral responses. Like other forms of CBT, moral reconation therapy teaches patients to recognize negative patterns at the early stages before they influence unwanted behavior. During a typical program, patients will learn how to set healthy life goals, develop compassion for themselves and others, and think about other people when making decisions. Moral reconation therapy utilizes group exercises and homework assignments, with patients learning to be honest with themselves and their therapist as they examine existing belief patterns and make changes for the better.  


Moral Reconation Therapy Steps


This form of therapy is designed in a number of separate stages or steps, with participants working through a 16-unit program that analyzes seven core issues or ideas. Because this program is sequential in nature, therapists can guide participants depending on their individual progress. Unlike some forms of psychotherapy, moral reconation therapy has a very practical focus, with participants working through various exercises that offer real and practical solutions to some of the problems faced by recovering addicts.  


The first step in moral reconation therapy involves confronting your existing belief patterns and attitudes. The second step involves a detailed analysis of healthy and unhealthy social relationships, including those with friends and family. The third step involves reinforcing positive attitudes and belief patterns, with participants slowly learning how to replace negative associations with positive ones. The fourth step involves forming a positive identity, with the fifth step teaching a healthy concept of self, the sixth step teaching frustration tolerance, and the final step teaching moral reasoning.


Let Newark Drug Rehab Centers be your primary guide to recovery. Just give one of our friendly recovery advocates a call today at (862) 930-4070.